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International Business Operation & Strategy Field

 Hsin-Mei Lin


Academic Degree: 
Ph.D. in International Business,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

International Business Theory,
International Business Management,
Organizational Theory

+886 (049)2910960 Ext. 4642

College of Management 5058

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


【Journal Articles】

1. Hsin-Mei Lin, Heng-Chiang Huang, and Chih-Pin Lin, and Wenchung Hsu, 2012. How to Manage Strategic Alliances in OEM-Based Industrial Clusters: Network Embeddedness and Formal Governance Mechanisms. Industrial Marketing Management,41(3): 449-459. (SSCI, IF=1.694)
2. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2012. The Dynamic Evolution and Technological Diffusion in Taiwan’s TFT-LCD Industrial Cluster: A Network Perspective. Technology analysis & Strategic Management, 24(5): 435-451. (SSCI, IF=1.040).
3. Wen-Chung Hsu, Xin-Gbo, Gao, Jian-Hua, Zhang, Hsin-Mei Lin, 2011, “The Effects of Outward FDI on Home-Country Productivity: Do Location of investment and Market Orientation Matter?”, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. 4(2): 99-116. (RePEc; APEL (Asia-Pacific Economic Literature); ECONIS; Econlit; and Cabell's Directory)
4. Hsin-Mei Lin and Yi-Ping Ding, 2011 “A research framework of servicescape-customer relationship: Case study of Spa industry in northern Taiwan”, Journal of Technology in Beauty Industry, 8(1), pp. 197-222.
5. Hsin-Mei Lin, Heng-Chiang Huang, and Sheng-Ya Tseng, 2010, "Influences of Inter-organizational Relationships in Technology Diffusion: The Network Perspective", World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 8(1), Pages 62-80, (ABI/INFORM).
6. Hsin-Mei Lin, Homin Chen, and Peter, J, Sher, 2010. Firm Competitiveness, Industrial Clusters and Networks across the Strait: An Introduction to the Special Issue on “Cluster Competitiveness and Global Deployment of Taiwanese Firms” NTU Management Review. 21(1): 1-22. (TSSCI).
7. Hsin-Mei Lin, Homin Chen, Peter J. Sher, and Katie H. Mei, Inter-network Co-evolution: Reversing the Fortunes of Declining Industrial Networks. Long Range Planning, 43: 611-638. (One of the top 5 journals in the field of Strategic Management, IF=1.727, SSCI)
8. Chin-Pin Lin and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2011, Embedding Strategic Alliances in Networks to Govern Transaction Hazards: Evidence from an Emerging Economy, Asia Business Management,10: pp.183-208. (SSCI IF=.174).
9. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen chung Hsu, I-Hen Yen, Yi-Tian Shieh, and Peng-Jung Lin, Knowledge Transfer among MNE’s Subsidiary: A Conceptual Framework for Knowledge management, International Journal of Organizational Innovation. (Forthcoming, ABI, EI)
10. Ting-Lin Lin, Wen chung Hsu, Hsin-Mei Lin, and Ching-I Chen. 2010 An Enquiry into Hollowing out effects in home exports, technology, innovation, and employment. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 3 (2): 338-351. (ABI, EI)
11. Hsin-Mei Lin and Nai-Hui Su 2009. “The Ethical Motivation of Top manager’s Decision About Stakeholder Management and Firm Value.”, The Journal of International Esthetic Science, 6(1), pp. 197-212. (In Chinese)
12. Chin-Pin Lin and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2010, Maker-Buyer Strategic Alliances: An Integrated Framework, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 25(1): 43-56. (SSCI, IF=.75).
13. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009 “How Technology Policy Facilitates Technology Diffusion and Improves Firm Capability: A Dynamic Survey from a Network Perspective”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 21(7):899-914 (SSCI, Impact factor: 1.040).
14. 何岳峰、林欣美、施懿恬, 2011 “台灣TFT-LCD產業群聚的創新動態演化:以網路觀點分析”, 工具機與零組件,28: 67-69, 29, 30.
15. 林欣美, 2011 “工具機產業的廠商間合作”, 工具機與零組件,31: 58-68.
16. 林欣美, 2009 “由車铣複合工具機整合計畫看工具機廠商合作”, 工具機與零組件,12: 58-68. 13: 74-77
17. Hsin-Mei Lin, Beryl L. Kuo and Nai-Hui Su, 2008 “The Influence of Internationalization, Board Characteristics, and Sophisticated Institutional Monitoring on Earnings Management: Evidence from Information and Electronics Industries in Taiwan”, NTU Management Review, 19(1):157-186. (In Chinese, TSSCI).
18. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007 “The governance of interorganizational strategic alliances: From perspectives of transaction cost theory and network theory”, Management Review, 26(3):pp. 25-47. (In Chinese, TSSCI).
19. Tseng, Seng-Yi and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007 “Vision sharing, commitment, and market information system: the missing Role of organizational commitment as a mediator”, The International Journal of Esthetic Science, 4(1), pp. 1-18. (In Chinese)
20. Hsin-Mei Lin and Tseng J., 2007 “The internationalization strategy for small-sized firms in beauty industry”, The International Journal of Esthetic Science, 4(2). pp. 138-178. (In Chinese)
21. Huang, Hengchiang and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2006 “Collaborate or Do It Alone? Trade of Strategic Resources, Interorganizational Embeddedness, and Value Creation: A theoretical perspective”, International Journal of Management, 23(3).(NSC- 92-2416-H-260-018)(ABI)
22. Lin, Hsin-Mei. 2004. “Social-Embedding Role and Network Logic of Small-Sized Chinese Family Firms”. Pan-Pacific Management Review, Vol 7 (1): Pp. 61-82.
23. Lin, Hsin-Mei. 2004. “Stability of Advertising Principal-Agent Relationship”. Journal of Chinese Advertising,9: 119-133.
24. Chuang, Shui-Hui, Tin-Chang, and Hsin-Mei Lin. 2003. “The Adoption Factors of Enterprise Resources Planning”. Hsao-Ping Academic Report, 6: 31-48.

【Conference Proceedings】

1. Jeremy Clegg, Hsin-Mei Lin, Hinrich Voss, I-Fan Yen, 2013, Internationalization strategy and performance effects: China OFDI from the portfolio perspective, Academy of International Business 2013 Conference (AIB), July 3-6, in Istanbul, Turkey.
2. Jeremy Clegg, Hsin-Mei Lin, Hinrich Voss, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tien Shih, 2012, Multi-nationality and performance effects of internationalization: China OFDI from the portfolio perspective, 6th China Goes Global Conference, October 8-10, 2012, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.
3. Peter J. Sher, Wen Chung Hsu, Wei Xing Zhao, Hsin Mei Lin, Ifan Yen, 2011,“The Effects of OFDI on Home Country Investment: The Roles of China and Industry Characteristics” 5th China Goes Global Conference, October 2-4, 2011, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA. (Best Paper Award)
4. Peter Sher, Hsin-Mei Lin, Wenchung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih, and I-Fen Yen, 2011, " The Drivers of Investing in China: The Comparison of Perpectives of RBV and MBV " 5th China Goes Global Conference, October 2-4, 2011, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
5. Chengqi Wang, Jeremy Clegg ,Wen-Chung Hsu, Hsin-Mei Lin, Ching-I Chen, 2011, The Effects of outward FDI on Home Country R&D Activities: the Roles of Location and Industry Characterisitcs, Academy of International Business 2011 Conference (AIB), June 24-28, in Nagoya, Japan.
6. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan and Yi-Tein Shih, Industrial cluster and innovation─The literature review of cluster advantage and Taiwan’s industrial clusters, 2010 Technical Innovation and Policy Forum─Cluster and Innovation, Changsha, Hunan.
7. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Yi-Tein Shih, Yueh-Feng Ho, I-Fan Yen, The Dynamic Evolution and Innovation in TFT-LCD Industry Cluster: A Network Perspective, 2010 Technical Innovation and Policy Forum─Cluster and Innovation, Changsha, Hunan.
8. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih and I-Fan, Yen. 2010. The Drivers of Investing in China: The Comparison of Perspectives of RBV and MBV. Academy of International Business 2010 Conference (AIB), June 26th-29th, in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
9. Hsin-Mei Lin, Peng-Jung Lin and Joseph L.Y. Che, 2010 “Interpersonal Recommendation on Virtual Community: the Characteristics, Category and Motives” The 2010 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education, and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2010),Macau ,China.
10. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tien Shih, 2010, Knowledge Management among MNE Subsidiaries: A Case Study for Knowledge Transfer, The Asian Business & Management Conference (ABMC), Osaka, Japan, October 7-9.
11. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan and Yi-Tein Shih, Industrial cluster and innovation─The literature review of cluster advantage and Taiwan’s industrial clusters, 2010 Business management and international academic forum, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
12. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Yi-Tein Shih, Yueh-Feng Ho, I-Fan Yen, The Dynamic Evolution and Innovation in TFT-LCD Industry Cluster: A Network Perspective, 2010 Business management and international academic forum, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
13. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tien Shih, 2010, Knowledge Transfer among MNE Subsidiaries. 2010 Symposium on International Business Administration and Service Science Conference, June 11, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
14. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih and I-Fan, Yen. 2010. Exploring the duality of foreign direct investment of Taiwanese corporation on Chin. 2010 Symposium on International Business Administration and Service Science Conference, June, 11, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.
15. Hsin-Mei Lin, Homin Chen, and Ching-Ping Lin, 2009, How Can A Cluster Co-Evolving With Another Cluster?, 2009 Academy of Management (AOM)Annual Meeting, August 7-11, in Chicago, Illinois.
16. Nai-Hui Su and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009, Does Ethic Orientation Matter? The Relationship Between The Ethical Motivation of Stakeholder Management and Firm Value, BAI 2009, Kuala Lumper, Malayia, July 5th-8th, 2009.
17. Peng-Jung Lin, Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009, THE LINKING ROLE OF FIRM COMPETENCE LEVERAGING: TECHNOLOGY ORIENTATION OR MARKET ORIENTATION” BAI2009 International Conference on Business and Information Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
18. Peng-Jung Lin, Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009, The priority of firm competence building: technology orientation or market orientation” Ming Chuan University’s 2009 International Academic Conference on Management and Innovation. 2009 March 13, MCU Keelriver Campus.
19. Lin, C.-P., Hsin-Mei Lin and Huang, C.-J. 2008, Agency Problem, Governance, and Synergy in Mutual Funds: The Social Capital Perspective, 2008 Global Business & International Management Conference, July 31-August 2, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
20. Hsin-Mei Lin and Nai-Hui Su, 2009, The Ethical Motivation of Top manager’s Decision About Stakeholder Management and Firm Value, The 2009 Strait Conference on Science, Education and Management of Esthetic Service Industry, ChengDu,Sichuan, March 22-26 2009.
21. Hsin-Mei Lin and Hsaw-Ping Lin, 2008, How a sustainable competitive advantage is to be attained in Taiwanese hospitals in the wake of critical changes in payment policy: A resource-based view, 136th APHA Annual Meeting & Exposition (October 25-29, 2008), San Diego, CA.
22. Peng-Jung Lin, Hsin-Mei Lin, 2008, Technology orientation or Market Orientation: From the Perspective of Resource Leverage. Industrial Network and Management, Taichung, Taiwan, 11th, December, 2008.
23. Hsin-Mei Lin and Sheng-Wen Wang, Creative Innovation and Organizational Development. Industrial Network and Management, Taichung, Taiwan, 11th, December, 2008.,Cluster rejuvenation: Network embeddedness and coevolution.
24. Chih-Pin Li, Hsin-Mei Lin, and Chi-Jui Huang, (2008), Agency Problem, Governance, and Synergy in Mutual Funds: The Social Capital Perspective,2008 Global Business & International Management Conference, July 31- August 2, 2008, Portland, Oregon, USA.
25. Hsin-Mei Lin, Chun-Ming Tesng, Chen-Wei Chang, Steven Lin, Chih-Pin Lin, (2008), “The Knowledge Sharing and MNE's Intranet: From The Perspective of Subsidiary” The 2008 International Joint conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education e-CASE 2008 March 27-29, 2008 : Bangkok, Thailand.
26. Lin, C.-P. and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007, Maker-Buyer Relationships as Strategic Alliances: An Eclectic Framework, International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan.
27. Lin, C.-P., Lin, H.-M. and Tseng, Y.-R. (2007), “The Effects of Embeddedness on the Transaction of Mutual Funds,” Strategic Management Society 27th Annual International Conference, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
28. Peter Sher, Katie Mei, Hsin-Mei Lin, and Kun-Ming Kuo, 2007, Embeddedness of Heterogeneous Industrial Clusters for Rejuvenating Regional Networks, 4th International Society of Management of Technology Conference, Hangzhou, 2007.
29. Lin, C., Hsin-Mei Lin, and Y. Tseng, 2007, The Effects of Embeddedness on the Transaction of Mutual Funds, Strategic Management Society 27th Annual International Conference, San Diego, California.
30. Hsin-Mei Lin., C. Lin, and H. Liu, 2007, Knowledge Management within MNE's Intranet: The Contingency of Dyadic Organizational Factors for Knowledge Sharing, Strategic Management Society 27th Annual International Conference, San Diego, California.
31. Lin, C. and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2007, Maker-Buyer Relationships as Strategic Alliances: An Eclectic Framework, International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan.
32. Hsin-Mei Lin, P. Sher, K. Kuo, B. Chu, and C. Lin, (2007), “Embeddedness of Heterogeneous Industrial Clusters for Rejuvenating Regional Networks,” International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan.
33. Hsin-Mei Lin, Hengchiang Huang, Sheng-Ya Tseng. 2006 “The Governance of Interfirm Strategic Alliances: From Perspectives of Transaction Cost and Network Embeddedness”, Academy of Management 2006 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, August 11-16.
34. Hsin-Mei Lin and Sheng-Ya Tseng. 2006 “Determinants of Buyer-Supplier Relationship Commitment: The Cultural Effects of Individualism-Collectivism”, Academy of International Business 2006 Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, June 23 – 26.
35. Hsin-Mei Lin, Peter J. Sher, and Li-Hua Kuo 2006, “The technology diffusion and technology capability development: From the perspective of network dynamics”, Academy of International Business 2006 Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, June 23 – 26.
36. Hsin-Mei Lin, Hengchiang Huang, Sheng-Ya Tseng. 2005 “Which Relation Matters When? Interpersonal Relationships and Interorganizational Relationships on Technology Diffusion”, Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting, Québec City, Canada, July 9-12, 2005.
37. Hsin-Mei Lin, Hengchiang Huang, Sheng-Ya Tseng. 2005 ” Why Do Firms in IC industry of Developing Market Embrace Asymmetric Alliances For Technology Developing: The Influence of Technological Network Position and Dyad Firm Attributes”, Academy of International Business 2005 Annual Meeting, Québec City, Canada, July 9-12, 2005.
38. Huang, Hengchiang and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2004 “Network Embeddedness and the Governance of International Alliances” Academy of International Business 2004, July10-14, Stockholm, Sweden.
39. Huang, Hengchiang and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2004 “ Rethink the role of relational embeddedness: The supplemental role of network embeddedness” 2004 AOM/IAOM, August 6-11, Norbeach, Virginia, USA.
40. Huang, Hengchiang and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2003. “Collaborate or Do It Alone? Trade of Strategic Resources, Interorganizational Embeddedness, and Value Creation.” Academy of International Business 2003, 2003 Annual Meeting, Jul 5-8 Monterey, CA, USA.
41. Hsin-Mei Lin, 2002. “Interorganizational Collaboration, Social embeddedness, and Value creation.” The 2002 Conference of Knowledge and Value Management. Taipei. Pp: 26-36.

【Doctoral Dissertation】

1. Hsin-Mei Lin 2003. “Interorganizational collaboration, network embeddedness, and value creation.” Proceeding doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University.



1. Wu, T. Y. , S. Y. Lin, and Hsin-Mei Lin, 2009, “Grid Charging System”, in K. C. Li ,C. H. Hsu, L. T. Yang, J. Dongarra, and H. Zima (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Scalable ComputingTechnologies, IGI Global.



 Wen-Bin Chuang

Associate Professor

Academic Degree: 
Ph.D. in Industrial Economics,
National Central University, Taiwan

Econometrics, Applied Econometrics,
Industrial Economics,
Foreign Investment and Trade,
Technological Improvements

+886 (049)2910960 Ext. 4675

College of Management 5017

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


【Journal Articles】

1. 陳忠榮、莊文彬、楊志海(2002), 「參進與退出的對稱性與相關性-台灣製造業的實証分析」,中央研究院 人文及社會科學集刋, 14:1, 頁33-54. (TSSCI).
2. 林惠玲、陳正倉、莊文彬(2002), 「廠商的進入、退出與市場競爭性-台灣製造業的實証」, 台灣大學 經濟論文叢刊, 30:4, 頁491-530. (TSSCI) .
3. Chih-Hai Yang, Wen-Bin Chuang, and Jong-Rong Chen (2004),「Technology and Export Decision –Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing SMEs」, Small Business Economics 22:5, P349-364. (SSCI)
4. Huilin Lin and Wen-Bin Chuang (2007), 「FDI and Domestic Investment in Taiwan –An Endogenous Switching Model」, The Developing Economies, 18:4, P 465-490. (SSCI, Impact factor: 0.375 )
5. Wen-Bin Chuang and Huilin Lin (2009) , 「Overseas R&D Activities and Intellectual Property Rights -A Longitudinal Study of MNEs in Emerging Economies」,Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (SSCI , Impact factor: 0.638, forthcoming).
6. Wen-Bin Chuang and Huilin Lin (2009) , 「Overseas R&D Activities and Productivity Growth –An Endogenous Switching Model」, International Journal of Economic Perspectives, (Econlit, forthcoming).
7. Wen-Bin Chuang, (2009) ,「Overseas and Domestic R&D Activities -A Simultaneous Two-Hurdle Tobit Model」, Empirical Economic Letter, 8:4 , P1049- 1055, (Econlit).
8. Wen-Bin Chuang and Huilin Lin (2010) , 「Interdependence between Overseas and Domestic R&D Activities: Evidence from Taiwanese Multinationals」, Asian Economic Journal, 24:4, P305-332 (SSCI, Impact factor: 0.4)

Conference Proceedings

1. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2010. “The Influence of Local Outsourcing on Technological Capability- Evidence from Taiwanese MNEs“. 2010 International Conference on Business and Information, Kitakyushu, Japan.
2. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2009. “Technological Capability and Firm Performance-The Moderating Effect of Overseas R&D Activities“. 2009 International Conference on Business and Information, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2009, “Technological Capability, Overseas R&D Activities and Firm Performance”. 2009 The International Conference on Industrial Globalization and Technology Innovation: Xian, China.
4. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2008. “Technology Diffusion and Intellectual Property Rights-Evidence from Taiwanese MNEs”, The 7th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association,Kyoto, Japan.
5. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2008.Technological capability and firm performance: Moderate effect of overseas R&D activities,台中,2008產業網絡暨經營管理研討會,2008年12月11日。.
6. Wen-Bin Chuang, 「Do overseas R&D matter?」, The International Conference on Industrial globalization and Technology Innovation(2008), Nanjing, China.
7. Wen-Bin Chuang, 「Technology Diffusion and Intellectual Property Rights-Evidence from Taiwanese MNEs」, International Conference on Business and Information(2008), Seoul, S. Korea.
8. 莊文彬(2008), 「Overseas R&D Decision on Taiwanese MNEs' Performance」 ,南華大學第一屆金融與經濟競爭力研討會,嘉義,台灣
9. 莊文彬、張鐸瀚 、吳永棠(2008),「 競爭者能力不確定性對求職者教育程度決策之影響」,南華大學第一屆金融與經濟競爭力研討會,嘉義,台灣
10. 莊文彬、張鐸瀚 、許耿華(2008),「 退休金保費調漲不確定性與廠商勞動需求的決策 」,南華大學第一屆金融與經濟競爭力研討會,嘉義,台灣
11. Wen-Bin Chuang, 2007. “Overseas and Domestic R&D Activities -Evidence from Taiwanese MNEs“, 2007 International Conference on Business and Information, Tokyo, Japan.
12. 莊文彬、賴泓銘 (2004), 「FDI and Linkage Effect – Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms」, 全國實證經濟學文研討會. 台中, 台灣.
13. 陳忠榮、莊文彬 (2002),「轉出與退出的比較-1992年電子業廠商之追蹤分析」即將發表在 2002年台灣經濟年會. 台北, 台灣.
14. 陳忠榮、莊文彬 (2000), 「參進型態與參進後績效-台灣電子業的實證研究」,台灣經濟年會. 台北, 台灣.計畫報告


 Shih-Min Lo

Associate Professor 

Academic Degree: 
Ph.D. Major in Strategic Management, Minor in Industrial Economics,
National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Strategic Management ,
Industrial and Competitive Analysis,
Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

+886 (049)2910960 Ext. 4634

College of Management 5059

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Shihmin Lo (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) is an associate professor in the Department of International Business Studies, College of Management at National Chi Nan University (NCNU) in Taiwan. He had been the director of case learning and development center and is currently leading the university’s initiatives on problem-based learning and teaching innovations. He is the most frequent winner of the university’s awards on teaching excellence, best courses, best TA advisors, and distinguished students’ mentors in NCNU. His research and teaching has focused on co-opetitive dynamics, platform strategy, management of innovation and entrepreneurship, particularly in today’s digital, mobile, network and sharing economy. He has been repeatedly invited to join the reviewer or advisory boards of many government-sponsored projects on industrial development and business venturing over the past decade. Prior to academia, Professor Lo has been holding a wide range of positions on executive management, engineering design and business development in the high-tech industries in Taiwan, dealing with suppliers and customers worldwide. He has also been engaged in founding and funding entrepreneurial start-ups for several times. Professor Lo earned his Ph.D. in Strategic Management with a minor in Industrial Economics in 2008, and M.S. and B.S. both in Mechanical Engineering specialized in mechanical design and manufacturing from National Taiwan University in 1993 and 1991, respectively. He was born, grown up, and currently lives in Taichung with his parents, wife and twin daughters.

NCNU, one of the top fifteen public universities in Taiwan, is located in Puli within a 15-kilometer distance to Sun Moon Lake which is the most popular scenery/historic spot in Taiwan for foreign visitors, within a 50-kilometers distance to Taichung which is the largest city of central Taiwan, within another 150 km to Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, and roughly in 40 minutes of Taiwan high speed rail (THSR) transportation from Taichung to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport (IATA code: TPE).


【Journal Articles】

1. Shihmin Lo and Chi-Ying Chen, “Decomposing Competitive Repertoires of Financial Holding Companies in Taiwan: Simplicity, Inertia and Performance” (in Chinese), NTU Management Review (accepted). (TSSCI)
2. Jennifer H. Chen, Shihmin Lo, Show-Ling Jang, and Chi-Cho Huang, 2012, “Strategic Partnership and Its Effect on External Learning of Technology Descendants”, Scientometrics 92 (1): p157-179. (SCI/SSCI; 2013 IF_2/5-yr: 2.274/2.294)
3. Show-Ling Jang, Shihmin Lo, and Wen-Hau Chang, 2009, “How do Latecomers Catch Up with Forerunners? - Analysis of Patents and Patent Citations in the Field of Flat Panel Display Technologies”,Scientometrics 79 (3): p563-591. (SCI/SSCI; 2008 IF_2/5-yr: 2.328/2.295)

【Conference Proceedings】

1. Peter J. Sher, Shihmin Lo and Joseph L. Che, 2014, “A Study of the Comprehensive Effects of a Top-Down Policy on UIRs: A Perspective of Principal-Agent Model”, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2014 Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, July 27-31. (EI)
2. Hsiao-Chen Mei, Shihmin Lo and Peter J. Sher, 2014, “Technology Dynamics: An Empirical Study in Mobile Telecommunications”, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology(PICMET) 2014 Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, July 27-31. (EI)
3. Hsiao-Chen Mei, Peter J. Sher, Chu-Wen Chen and Shihmin Lo, 2014, “A Preliminary Study on Manufacturing Servitization in Machine Tool Industry”, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2014 Annual Meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, July 27-31. (EI)
4. Shihmin Lo, Hsiao-Chen Mei and Peter J. Sher, 2013, “How Dynamic is Technological Change? An Empirical Study on Dynamic Capabilities”, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2013 Annual Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3 - 6.
5. Shihmin Lo, Bau-Jung Chang and Yiky Phang, 2012, “Technology Widening: A Study on the Citation Network of Essential Patents in Wireless Communications”, Academy of Management (AOM) 2012 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 3 - 7.
6. Shihmin Lo, Hsiu-Ling Li, Yating Yang, and Uma Wu, 2011, “How Does Intra-Organizational Context Condition Inter-Organizational Learning?”, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2011 Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, June 24 - 28.
7. Sheng-Hsien Lee, Shihmin Lo, Peter J. Sher, Hsiao-Chen Mei and Joseph L. Che, 2010, “University-Industry Relationship in Taiwan: The Perspective of Firms”, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2010 Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 25 - 29.
8. Hsiao-Chen Mei, Joseph L. Che, Shihmin Lo and Peter J. Sher, 2010, “Does Technological Standardization Enhance or Inhibit Firm’s Capabilities? – Research on Dynamic Capabilities in the Mobile Communication Market”, Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2010 Annual Meeting, Phuket, Thailand, July 18-22. (EI)
9. Sheng-Hsien Lee, Peter J. Sher and Shihmin Lo, 2010, “A Study of University-Industry Relationship and Its Continuity”, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) 8th Annual International Conference on Management, Athens, Greece, July 5-8.
10. Shihmin Lo, 2009, “Technology Deepening or Technology Widening: Towards a Dispersed Concentration”, Academy of Management (AOM) 2009 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 7-11.
11. Bau-Jung Chang, Hsiu-Ling Li, Shuwen Wang and Shihmin Lo, 2009, “The Interaction Effect of Technological Position and Market Position on R&D Alliance Formation”, Academy of Management(AOM) 2009 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, August 7-11.
12. Bau-Jung Chang, Hsiu-Ling Li, Shuwen Wang and Shihmin Lo, 2009, “The Antecedents of R&D Alliance Formation: Technology Position and Market Position”, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2009 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 27-30.
13. Shihmin Lo, 2008, “R&D and Initial Public Offerings: Theory and Evidence”, Academy of Management(AOM) 2008 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 8-13.
14. Jennifer Chen, Shihmin Lo, and Show-Ling Jang, 2008, “Strategic Partnership and Its Effect on External Learning of Technology Descendents”, Academy of Management (AOM) 2008 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, August 8-13.
15. Shuwen Wang, Shihmin Lo, Che-Jong Hsu, and Show-Ling Jang, 2008, “Technological Innovation Network and External Learning: A Latecomer’s Perspective”, Academy of International Business (AIB) 2008 Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, June 30 - July 3.
16. Shihmin Lo, Show-Ling Jang, and Wen-Hau Chang, 2007, “How do Latecomers Catch Up with Forerunners? - International Knowledge Linkage among Global Flat Panel Display Technological Firms”, Academy of Management (AOM) 2007 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 3-8.

【Book Chapter】

1. 駱世民,2013,「第九單元:產業變遷與動態競爭」,『策略管理精論』,第229-252頁,前程出版社。

【Doctoral Dissertation】
1. Shihmin Lo, June 2008, Financial Resource, Technological Competence Development, and Entrepreneurial Growth, Doctoral Dissertation, National Taiwan University.



 Wen-Chung Hsu

Assistant Professor

Academic Degree: 
Ph.D. in International Business,
Centre for International Business, University of Leeds, UK

International Business,
Foreign Direct Investment,
Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises

+886 (049)2910960 Ext. 4606

College of Management 5117

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


【Journal Articles】

1. Wen Chung Hsu, Chengqi Wang, Jeremy Clegg (2015, Sep). Effects of OFDI on Employment and Skill Upgrading in Its Home Economy. China Economist, 10(5), pp38-51. (Econlit). MOST 101-2410-H-260-063. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
2. Wen Chung Hsu, Chengqi Wang, Jeremy Clegg (2015, Sep). The effects of outward foreign direct investment on fixed capital formation at home: The roles of host location and industry characteristics. Global Economic Review, 44(3), pp 353-368. (SSCI). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
3. Yan Chen, Jiangyi Wei, Chengqi.Wang, Wenchung, Hsu (2014, Feb). How do resources and diversification strategy explain the performance consequences of internationalization?" . Management decision, Vol. 52 Iss: 5, pp.897 – 915. (SSCI). 2012 IF=3.787 5年IF= 2.467.
4. Yan Chen, Wen-Chung Hsu, Chengqi Wang (2012). Effects of outward FDI on home-country export competitiveness: The role of location and industry heterogeneity. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 5(1), p56-73. (Econlit) (Scopus).
5. Wenchung Hsu*,Hsin-Mei Lin, Heng-Chiang Huang,Chih-Pin Lin (2011, Jun). How to manage strategic alliances in OEM-based industrial clusters: Network embeddedness and formal governance mechanisms. Industrial Marketing Management, Available online 8 June 2011. (SSCI).
6. Wen-Chung Hsu, Xin-Gbo, Gao, Jian-Hua, Zhang, Hsin-Mei Lin (2011, Mar). The effects of outward FDI on home-country productivity: Do location of investment and market orientation matter?" Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies. Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol. 4 No. 2, p.99-p116. (Scopus). NSC 99-2410-H-260-025. Econlit.
7. 許文忠,王成岐*,張建華(2006年10月)。誰從誰獲益: 中國製造業中的外商直接投資。中國工業經濟(CSSCI),10期, p.23-p.31。

Conference Proceedings

1. Wen Chung Hsu, 2013, "The Effects of OFDI on Home Employment and Skill Upgrading: The Roles of Technology Intensity and Location" AIB 2013 Istanbul Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
2. Wen Chung Hsu, 2013, “Effects of Taiwan’S Outward FDI on Home Country R&D Activities: The Roles of Location and Technology Opportunity” 2013AIB-UKI Annual Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK .
3. Peter Sher ,Wen Chung Hsu*, Wei Xing Zhao,Hsin Mei Lin, 2011, “The Effects of ofdi on Home Country Investment: The Roles of China and Industry Characteristics” China Goes Global Conference 2011 Harvard University, 2011,10. (BEST PAPER OF THE CONFERENCE)
4. Peter Sher, Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih, and I-Fen Yen,2011 “The Drivers of Investing in China: The Comparison of Perspectives of RBV and MBV, 5th China Goes Global Conference” Boston: Harvard University.
5. Chengqi Wang, Jeremy Clegg ,Wen-Chung Hsu*, Hsin-Mei Lin, Ching-I Chen, 2011, The Effects of Outward FDI on Home Country R&D Activities: The Roles of Location and Industry Characteristics, Academy of International Business 2011 Annual Meeting. Nagoya, Japan.
6. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yenand Yi-Tein Shih,Industrial cluster and innovation ─The literature review of cluster advantage and Taiwan’s industrial clusters, 2010 Business management and international academic forum, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, October 22-24.
7. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Yi-Tein Shih, Yueh-Feng Ho, I-Fan Yen, The Dynamic Evolution and Innovation in TFT-LCD Industry Cluster: A Network Perspective, 2010 Business management and international academic forum, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, October 22-24.
8. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tien Shih, 2010, Knowledge Management among MNE Subsidiaries: A Case Study for Knowledge Transfer, The Asian Business & Management Conference (ABMC), Osaka, Japan, October 7-9.
9. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu,Yi-Tien Shih and I-Fan Yen, 2010, Based Different Perspectives on The Determination of Business Activity in China., The Asian Business & Management Conference (ABMC), Osaka, Japan, October 7-9.
10. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tein Shih,Industrial cluster and innovation─The literature review of cluster advantage and Taiwan’s industrial clusters, 2010 Technical Innovation and Policy Forum─Cluster and Innovation, Changsha, Hunan.
11. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Yi-Tein Shih, Yueh-Feng Ho,I-Fan Yen, The Dynamic Evolution and Innovation in TFT-LCD Industry Cluster: A Network Perspective, 2010 Technical Innovation and Policy Forum─Cluster and Innovation, Changsha, Hunan.
12. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih andI-Fan, Yen, 2010, The Drivers of Investing in China: The Comparison of Perspectives of RBV and MBV. Academy of International Business 2010 Conference (AIB), June 26-29, in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
13. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, I-Fan Yen and Yi-Tien Shih, 2010, Knowledge Transfer among MNE Subsidiaries. 2010 Symposium on International Business Administration and Service Science Conference, June 11, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua.
14. Hsin-Mei Lin, Wen-Chung Hsu, Yi-Tien Shih and I-Fan Yen, 2010, Exploring the duality of foreign direct investment of Taiwanese corporation on China, 2010 Symposium on International Business Administration and Service Science Conference, June 11, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua.
15. Ting-Ling Lin, Wen Chung Hsu, Mei-Chen Hsieh, Heng-Yih Liu & Shu-I Kuo (2009) Entrepreneurship, Brand Building, and Adjusting Competencies of SMEs: A Resource-Based Perspective, Conference paper, Athens Institute for Education and Research, the 6th International Conference on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Management – Marketing - Economic Aspects, 10-13 August 2009, Athens, Greece.
16. Jeremy Clegg, Chengqi Wang, Wen Chung Hsu & Dorothy Aiwan Yen (2009) Effects of outward FDI on home-country export competitiveness: do investment location and industry characteristics matter? Conference paper, AIB 2009 Annual Meeting San Diego, California, USA. *Academy of International Business (AIB)
17. Jeremy Clegg, Chengqi Wang, Wen Chung Hsu (2009) Effects of outward FDI on home-country export competitiveness: do investment location and industry characteristics matter? Conference paper, British Academy of Management(BAM) 2009, Brighton, UK.
18. Chengqi Wang, Jeremy Clegg, Wen Chung Hsu (2009) The effects of outward FDI on home-country productivity: the role of location of investment and market orientation of industry, Conference paper, AIB 2009 Annual MeetingSan Diego, California, USA.*Academy of International Business (AIB)
19. Jeremy Clegg, Chengqi Wang, Wen Chung Hsu & Dorothy Aiwan Yen (2009) Effects of outward FDI on home-country export competitiveness: do investment location and industry characteristics matter? Conference paper, The 36th AIB-UKI conference 2009, Glasgow, UK. *Academy of International Business (AIB)
20. Wen Chung Hsu(2008) The Transfer of Activities by Taiwanese Enterprises to China: An Enquiry into Hollowing Out Effects in Manufacturing Industries, Conference paperpresented for Academy of International Business AIB-UKI Annual Conference 2008Doctoral Colloquium. Portsmouth, UK.*Academy of International Business (AIB)
21. Wen Chung Hsu(2008) The Impact of Taiwanese Outward FDI to China on Taiwan’s Exports, Conference paper presented for Euro-Asia ManagementStudies Association (EAMSA) Annual Conference 2008. Kyoto, Japan.


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